Duration of English Parliaments before 1660

This article augments the List of Parliaments of England to be found elsewhere (see link below) and to precede Duration of English, British and United Kingdom Parliaments from 1660, with additional information which could not be conveniently incorporated in them.

The definition of which bodies should be classified as Parliaments becomes increasingly problematic before the accession of the Tudor monarchs, starting with King Henry VII. Different sources may vary in the number of Parliaments in a particular reign.

The -Plt columns in the tables below count backwards from the Parliament elected in 2005. This is not the conventional way of numbering Parliaments. The No. column contains the number counting forward from the accession of particular monarchs of England before 1660 (or the Commonwealth and Protectorate regimes of the 1650s).

The duration column is calculated from the date of the first meeting of the Parliament, to that of dissolution, using a year-month-day format.


Origin of Parliament

Parliament grew out of the Curia Regis, which was a body which advised the King on legislative matters. It had come into existence after the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It replaced the earlier Anglo-Saxon institution of the Witenagemot, which had a similar mix of important clerical and lay members, but different powers.

The Curia Regis (known in English as the Council or Court) was composed of prominent church leaders (Archbishops, Bishops and some Abbots) and the King's feudal tenants-in-chief (in effect the landowning aristocracy, the Earls and Barons).

The point at which some meetings of the prelates and lay magnates became known as Parliaments is difficult to define precisely.

The term parliamentum was used in the general sense of a meeting at which negotiations took place. The word began to be used to refer to meetings of the Council in the 1230s and 1240s. The earliest known official use was by the Court of King's Bench which in November 1236 adjourned a case to be heard at a parliamentum at Westminster due on the following 13 January.

A meeting of the Council was held at Merton Abbey in 1236. This gathering became known as the Parliament of Merton. It passed certain legislation, which constitutes the first entry in the official collection of the statutes of England, published in the nineteenth century.

It may be that the meeting at Merton involved no innovation, but owes its prominence to the chance survival of some records which were copied into a collection of statutes from the second half of the fourteenth century.

The list of Parliaments in this article commences with a meeting in London in 1242, which was summoned in 1241. This again may not have represented any real innovation, but rather is given prominence by the chance survival of records. Powell and Wallis confirm that a copy of the writ of summons has survived, possibly the earliest still in existence. Dramatic political events at the meeting were recorded by the chronicler Matthew Paris, so it is known that the King asked for a tax, which the Council (retrospectively dubbed a Parliament) refused to grant. It is unlikely that the gathering was seen by contemporaries as any different from the similar meetings of the Curia Regis that had been held since the Conquest, but as a list of Parliaments must start at some time this was the meeting chosen by the source from which this list is drawn.

List of Parliaments from 1241

The English civil year started on 25 March until 1752. The years used in this article have been converted to the new style where necessary. Old style dates are a year earlier than the new style for dates between 1 January and 24 March. No attempt has been made to compensate for the eleven days which did not occur in September 1752, both in England and Scotland, as well as in other British controlled territories, when the day which followed 2 September was 14 September. This was done to bring Britain and its empire fully into line with the Gregorian calendar.

There were some meetings before 1241 which are sometimes called Parliaments, notably the Parliament of Merton in 1236.

Early Parliaments did not, so far as is known, include representatives of the communities (or commons) of England. They were composed of important church officials and landowners, whom the King summoned individually to advise him, similar to the group of men which eventually became known as the House of Lords.

The Sheriffs of the English Counties were ordered to send knights of the shire to attend a number of Parliaments before 1265, but they were not required to have them chosen by election. No such summonses are known to have required the attendance of citizens of cities or burgesses of other boroughs. Records of this sort of summons survive for the Oxford Parliament, which was the seventh Parliament of King Henry III, assembled 27 October 1258 and presumed dissolved when writs de expensis were issued on 4 November 1258, and for the same king's sixteenth Parliament, summoned on 4 June 1264 and assembled on 22 June 1264, although the date of dissolution is unknown.

De Montfort's Parliament in 1265 was the first Parliament to include elected representatives from counties (or shires), cities and boroughs, the group which eventually became the House of Commons.

In 1320 it became the invariable practice to summon the Commons to Parliament. If the Commons were not summoned to an early Parliament, this is indicated in a footnote. The normal place for Parliaments to meet was in Westminster. If a different location is known it is indicated in a note. Unusual features of the dates of summons, attendance or dissolution of a Parliament are included in a note.

Parliaments of King Henry III

King Henry III reigned between 18/19 October 1216 and 16 November 1272.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st² 14 December 1241 n/a 27 January 1242 ... ... n/a 347 ...
2nd² ... n/a 9 February 1248 ... ... n/a 346 ...
3rd² 11 February 1254 n/a 26 April 1254 ... ... n/a 345 ...
4th² ... n/a 18 April 1255 ... ... n/a 344 ...
5th² ... n/a 9 June 1258 ... ... n/a 343 ...
6th² ... n/a 13 October 1258 ... ... n/a 342 ...
7th ... n/a 27 October 1258 4 November 1258 0-0-9 Peter de Montfort 341 a
8th² ... n/a 9 February 1259 ... ... n/a 340 ...
9th² ... n/a 13 October 1259 ... ... n/a 339 ...
10th² ... n/a >30 April 1260 ... ... n/a 338 b
11th² ... n/a 8 July 1260 ... ... n/a 337 ...
12th² ... n/a 13 October 1260 ... ... n/a 336 ...
13th² ... n/a c.23 February 1261 ... ... n/a 335 b
14th² ... n/a 9 September 1263 >18 September 1263 0-0-10+ n/a 334 c
15th² ... n/a 13 October 1263 ... ... n/a 333 ...
16th 4 June 1264 n/a 22 June 1264 ... ... n/a 332 d
17th 14 December 1264 1264/65 20 January 1265 15 February 1265 0-0-27 unknown 331 e
18th² ... n/a 14 September 1265 ... ... n/a 330 ...
19th² ... n/a 9 February 1267 ... ... n/a 329 ...
20th² ... n/a 13 October 1268 ... ... n/a 328 ...
21st² ... n/a 24 June 1269 ... ... n/a 327 ...
22nd² ... n/a c.13 October 1270 ... ... n/a 326 b
23rd² ... n/a c.>29 September 1272 ... ... n/a 325 b


¹ The presiding officer of the House of Commons was initially known as the "Prolocutor" and sometimes as the Parlour, but the term most often used was "Speaker" and this became the title always used from the 1540s onwards.
² No commoners were summoned.

Parliaments of King Edward I

King Edward I reigned between 20 November 1272 – 7 July 1307.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 16 February 1275 1275 25 April 1275 ... ... unknown 324 a
2nd 1 September 1275 1275 13 October 1275 24 October 1275 0-0-12 unknown 323 b
3rd² ... n/a c.3 May 1276 ... ... n/a 322 c
4th² ... n/a >29 September 1276 ... ... n/a 321 c
5th² ... n/a 1 May 1278 ... ... n/a 320 ...
6th² ... n/a 8 July 1278 ... ... n/a 319 ...
7th² ... n/a 29 September 1278 ... ... n/a 318 ...
8th² ... n/a c.16 April 1279 ... ... n/a 317 c
9th² ... n/a c.20 October 1279 ... ... n/a 316 c
10th² ... n/a c.12 May 1280 ... ... n/a 315 c
11th² ... n/a c.>29 September 1280 ... ... n/a 314 c
12th² ... n/a c.11 May 1281 ... ... n/a 313 c
13th² ... n/a c.>29 September 1281 ... ... n/a 312 c
14th² ... n/a 4 May 1285 ... ... n/a 311 ...
15th² ... n/a c.>14 April 1286 ... ... n/a 310 c
16th² ... n/a c.24 April 1286 ... ... n/a 309 c
17th² ... n/a >25 December 1289 ... ... n/a 308 c
18th² ... n/a >13 January 1290 ... ... n/a 307 c
19th 13 June 1290 1290 15 July 1290 ... ... unknown 306 d
20th ... 1290 27 October 1290 ... ... unknown 305 ...
21st ... 1290/91 7 January 1291 ... ... unknown 304 ...
22nd ... 1291/92 8 January 1292 ... ... unknown 303 ...
23rd² ... n/a 2 June 1292 ... ... n/a 302 e
24th² ... n/a 13 October 1292 17 November 1292 0-1-4 n/a 301 e
25th ...  ?1293 >29 March 1293 ... ... unknown 300 c
26th ... 1293 13 October 1293 ... ... unknown 299 ...
27th ... 1293 >25 December 1293 ... ... unknown 298 c
28th² 24 June 1295 n/a 1–4 August 1295 ... ... n/a 297 c
29th 30 September 1295+ 1295 27 November 1295 4 December 1295 0-0-8 unknown 296 f
30th 26 August 1296 1296 3 November 1296 29 November 1296 0-0-27 unknown 295 g
31st² 26 January 1297 n/a 24 February 1297 ... ... n/a 294 ...
32nd² ... n/a 8 July 1297 ... ... n/a 293 ...
33rd 6 October 1297 1297 15 September 1297 14 October 1297 0-1-5 unknown 292 h
34th 15 March 1298 March 1298 30 March 1298 ... ... unknown 291 i
35th 10 April 1298 1298 25 May 1298 ... ... unknown 290 j
36th² 6 February 1299 n/a 8 March 1299 ... ... n/a 289 ...
37th² 10 April 1299 n/a 3 May 1299 ... ... n/a 288 ...
38th² 21 September 1299 n/a 18 October 1299 ... ... n/a 287 ...
39th 29 December 1299 1299/00 6 March 1300 20 March 1300 0-0-15 unknown 286 k
40th 26 September 1300 1300/01 20 January 1301 30 January 1301 0-0-8/11 unknown 285 l
41st² 2 June 1302 n/a 1 July 1302 ... ... n/a 284 ...
42nd 14 July 1302 1302 14 October 1302 21 October 1302 0-0-8 unknown 283 m
43rd 12 November 1304 1304/05 28 February 1305 20 March 1305 0-0-21 unknown 282 k
44th² 15 July 1305 n/a 15 September 1305 ... ... n/a 281 ...
45th 5 April 1306 1306 30 May 1306 30 May 1306 0-0-1 unknown 280 n
46th 3 November 1306 1306/07 20 January 1307 19 March 1307 0-1-27 unknown 279 o


¹ The presiding officer of the House of Commons was initially known as the "Prolocutor" and sometimes as the Parlour, but the term most often used was "Speaker" and this became the title always used from the 1540s onwards.
² No commoners were summoned.

Parliaments of King Edward II

King Edward II reigned between 7 July 1307 - 20 January 1327.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 26 August 1307 1307 13 October 1307 16 October 1307 0-0-4 unknown 278 a
2nd 19 January 1308 1308 3 March 1308 ... ... unknown 277 ...
3rd² 10 March 1308 n/a 28 April 1308 ... ... n/a 276 ...
4th² 16 August 1308 n/a 20 October 1308 ... ... n/a 275 ...
5th 4 March 1309 1309 27 April 1309 13 May 1309 0-0-17 unknown 274 a
6th² 11 June 1309 n/a 27 July 1310 ... ... n/a 273 ...
7th² 26 October 1309 n/a 8 February 1310 12 April 1310 0-2-4 n/a 272 ...
8th 16 June 1311 1311 8 August 1311 18 December 1311 0-4-10 unknown 271 b
9th 3 June 1312 1312 20 August 1312 16 December 1312 0-3-27 unknown 270 a
10th 8 January 1313 1313 18 March 1313 9 May 1313 0-1-22 unknown 269 a
11th 23 May 1313 1313 8 July 1313 27 July 1313 0-0-20 unknown 268 a
12th 26 July 1313 1313 23 September 1313 15 November 1313 0-1-23 unknown 267 a
13th 29 July 1314 1314 9 September 1314 27/28 September 1314 0-0-19/20 unknown 266 a
14th 24 October 1314 1314/15 20 January 1315 9 March 1315 0-1-17 unknown 265 a
15th 16 October 1315 1315/16 27 January 1316 20 February 1316 0-0-25 unknown 264 c
16th 24–25 August 1318 1318 20 October 1318 9 December 1318 0-1-19 unknown 263 a
17th 20 March 1319 1319 6 May 1319 25 May 1319 0-0-20 unknown 262 a
18th² 6 November 1319 n/a 20 January 1320 ... ... n/a 261 ...
19th 5 August 1320 1320 6 October 1320 25/26 October 1320 0-0-20/21 unknown 260 a
20th 15 May 1321 1321 15 July 1321 22 August 1321 0-1-7 unknown 259 a
21st 14 March 1322 1322 2 May 1322 19 May 1322 0-0-18 unknown 258 a
22nd 18 September 1322 1322 14 November 1322 29 November 1322 0-0-16 unknown 257 d
23rd 20 November 1323 1323/24 23 February 1324 18 March 1324 0-0-25 unknown 256 a
24th 6 May 1325 1325 25 June 1325 ... ... unknown 255 e
25th 10 October 1325 1325 18 November 1325 5 December 1325 0-0-18 unknown 254 a
26th 28 October 1326 1326/27 7 January 1327 ... ... William Trussell 253 f


¹ The presiding officer of the House of Commons was initially known as the "Prolocutor" and sometimes as the Parlour, but the term most often used was "Speaker" and this became the title always used from the 1540s onwards.
² No commoners were summoned.

Parliaments of King Edward III

King Edward III reigned between 25 January 1327 - 21 June 1377.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st ... ... ... 9 March 1327 0-2-2 William Trussell 253 a
2nd 7 August 1327 1327 15 September 1327 23 September 1327 0-0-9 William Trussell 252 b
3rd 10 December 1327 1327/28 7 February 1328 5 March 1328 0-0-28 unknown 251 c
4th 5 March 1328 1328 24 April 1328 14 May 1328 0-0-21 unknown 250 d
5th 28 August 1328 1328 16 October 1328 22 February 1329 0-4-6 unknown 249 e
6th 25 January 1330 1330 11 March 1330 21 March 1330 0-0-11 unknown 248 d
7th 23 October 1330 1330 26 November 1330 9 December 1330 0-0-14 unknown 247 f
8th 16 July 1331 1331 30 September 1331 9 October 1331 0-0-10 unknown 246 b
9th 27 January 1332 1332 16 March 1332 21 March 1332 0-0-6 Henry de Beaumont 245 g
10th 20 July 1332 1332 9 September 1332 12 September 1332 0-0-4 Sir Geoffrey le Scrope 244 b
11th 20 October 1332 1332 4 December 1332 27 January 1333 0-1-23 unknown 243 ...
12th 2 January 1334 1334 21 February 1334 2 March 1334 0-0-10 unknown 242 b
13th 24 July 1334 1334 19 September 1334 23 September 1334 0-0-5 unknown 241 d
14th 1 April 1335 1335 26 May 1335 3 June 1335 0-0-9 unknown 240 b
15th 22 January 1336 1336 11 March 1336 20 March 1336 0-0-10 unknown 239 d
16th 29 November 1336 1336/37 3 March 1337 c.16 March 1337 0-0-14 unknown 238 ...
17th 20 December 1337 1337/38 3 February 1338 14 February 1338 0-0-12 unknown 237 h
18th 15 November 1338 1338/39 3 February 1339 17 February 1339 0-0-15 unknown 236 b
19th 25 August 1339 1339 13 October 1339 c.3 November 1339 0-0-22 unknown 235 i
20th 16 November 1339 1339/40 20 January 1340 19 February 1340 0-0-31 William Trussell 234 ...
21st 21 February 1340 1340 29 March 1340 10 May 1340 0-1-11 William Trussell 233 b
22nd 30 May 1340 1340 12 July 1340 26 July 1340 0-0-15 William Trussell 232 b
23rd 3 March 1341 1341 23 April 1341 27–28 May 1341 0-1-4/5 unknown 231 b
24th 24 February 1343 1343 28 April 1343 20 May 1343 0-0-23 William Trussell 230 b
25th 20 April 1344 1344 7 June 1344 28 June 1344 0-0-22 unknown 229 b
26th 30 July 1346 1346 11 September 1346 20 September 1346 0-0-10 unknown 228 b
27th 13 November 1347 1347/48 14 January 1348 12 February 1348 0-0-30 William de Thorpe 227 b
28th 14 February 1348 1348 31 March 1348 13 April 1348 0-0-14 William de Thorpe 226 b
29th 25 November 1350 1350/51 9 February 1351 1 March 1351 0-0-21 William de Shareshull 225 b
30th 15 November 1351 1351/52 13 January 1352 11 February 1352 0-0-30 William de Shareshull 224 b
31st 15 March 1354 1354 28 April 1354 20 May 1354 0-0-23 unknown 223 b
32nd 20 September 1355 1355 23 November 1355 30 November 1355 0-0-8 unknown 222 b
33rd 15 February 1357 1357 17 April 1357 8–16 May 1357 0-0-22/30 unknown 221 b
34th 15 December 1357 1357/58 5 February 1358 27 February 1358 0-0-23 unknown 220 b
35th 3 April 1360 1360 15 May 1360 ... ... unknown 219 ...
36th 20 November 1360 1360/61 24 January 1361 18 February 1361 0-0-26 unknown 218 b
37th 14 August 1362 1362 13 October 1362 17 November 1362 0-1-4 Sir Henry Green 217 b
38th 1 June 1363 1363 6 October 1363 30 October 1363 0-0-25 unknown 216 b
39th 4 December 1364 1364/65 20 January 1365 17 February 1365 0-0-28 unknown 215 ...
40th 20 January 1366 1366 4 May 1366 11 May 1366 0-0-8 unknown 214 ...
41st 24 February 1368 1368 1 May 1368 21 May 1368 0-0-21 unknown 213 ...
42nd 6 April 1369 1369 3 June 1369 11 June 1369 0-0-9 unknown 212 b
43rd 8 January 1371 1371 24 February 1371 29 March 1371 0-1-5 unknown 211 b
44th 1 September 1372 1372 3 November 1372 24 November 1372 0-0-22 unknown 210 b
45th 4 October 1373 1373 21 November 1373 10 December 1373 0-0-20 unknown 209 b
46th 28 December 1375 1375/76 28 April 1376 10 July 1376 0-2-13 Sir Peter de la Mare 208 j
47th 1 December 1376 1376/77 27 January 1377 2 March 1377 0-1-3 Sir Thomas Hungerford² 207 k


¹ The presiding officer of the House of Commons was initially known as the "Prolocutor" and sometimes as the Parlour, but the term most often used was "Speaker" and this became the title always used from the 1540s onwards.
² Hungerford was the first presiding officer of the Commons to be recorded as having the title of Speaker.

Parliaments of King Richard II

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 4 August 1377 1377 13 October 1377 5 December 1377 ... Sir Peter de la Mare 206 ...
2nd 3 September 1378 1378 20 October 1378 16 November 1378 ... Sir James Pickering 205 ...
3rd 16 February 1379 1379 24 April 1379 27 May 1379 ... unknown 204 ...
4th 20 October 1379 1379/80 16 January 1380 3 March 1380 ... Sir John Guildesborough 203 ...
5th 26 August 1380 1380 5 November 1380 6 December 1380 ... Sir John Guildesborough 202 ...
6th 16 July 1381 1381 3 November 1381 25 February 1382 ... Sir Richard Waldegrave 201 ...
7th 24 March 1382 1382 7 May 1382 22 May 1382 ... Sir Richard Waldegrave 200 ...
8th 9 August 1382 1382 6 October 1382 24 October 1382 ... Sir Richard Waldegrave 199 ...
9th 7 January 1383 1383 23 February 1383 10 March 1383 ... Sir James Pickering 198 ...
10th 20 August 1383 1383 26 October 1383 26 November 1383 ... Sir James Pickering 197 ...
11th 3 March 1384 1384 29 April 1384 27 May 1384 ... Sir James Pickering 196 ...
12th 28 September 1384 1384 12 November 1384 14 December 1384 ... Sir James Pickering 195 ...
13th 3 September 1385 1385 20 October 1385 6 December 1385 ... Sir James Pickering 194 ...
14th 8 August 1386 1386 1 October 1386 28 November 1386 ... Sir James Pickering 193 a
15th 17 December 1387 1387/88 3 February 1388 4 June 1388 ... Sir James Pickering 192 b
16th 28 July 1388 1388 9 September 1388 17 October 1388 ... Sir James Pickering 191 ...
17th 6 December 1389 1389/90 17 January 1390 2 March 1390 ... Sir James Pickering 190 ...
18th 12 September 1390 1390 12 November 1390 3 December 1390 ... Sir James Pickering 189 ...
19th 7 September 1391 1391 3 November 1391 2 December 1391 ... unknown 188 ...
20th 23 November 1392 1392/93 20 January 1393 10 February 1393 ... unknown 187 ...
21st 13 November 1393 1393/94 27 January 1394 6 March 1394 ... Sir John Bussy 186 ...
22nd 20 November 1394 1394/95 27 January 1395 15 February 1395 ... Sir John Bussy 185 ...
23rd 30 November 1396 1396/97 22 January 1397 12 February 1397 ... Sir John Bussy 184 ...
24th 18 July 1397 1397 17 September 1397 31 January 1398 ... Sir John Bussy 183 ...
25th 19 August 1399 1389 30 September 1399 30 September 1399 ... unknown 182 ...


Parliaments of King Henry IV

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 30 September 1399 1399 6 October 1399 19 November 1399 0-1-13 Sir John Cheney 181 a
John Doreward
2nd 9 September 1400 1400/01 20 January 1401 10 March 1401 0-1-18 Sir Arnold Savage 180
3rd 19 June 1402 1402 30 September 1402 25 November 1402 0-1-26 Sir Henry Redford 179
4th 20 October 1403 1403/04 14 January 1404 20 March 1404 0-2-6 Sir Arnold Savage 178
5th 25 August 1404 1404 6 October 1404 13 November 1404 0-1-7 Sir William Esturmy 177
6th 21 December 1405 1405/06 1 March 1406 22 December 1406 0-9-21 Sir John Tiptoft 176
7th 26 August 1407 1407 20 October 1407 2 December 1407 0-1-12 Thomas Chaucer 175
8th 26 October 1409 1409/10 27 January 1410 9 May 1410 0-3-12 Thomas Chaucer 174
9th 21 September 1411 1411 3 November 1411 19 December 1411 0-1-16 Thomas Chaucer 173
10th 1 December 1412 1412/13 3 February 1413 20 March 1413 0-1-17 unknown 172


Parliaments of King Henry V

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 22 March 1413 1413 14 May 1413 9 June 1413 0-0-27 William Stourton 171
John Doreward
2nd 1 December 1413 1413/14 30 April 1414 29 May 1414 0-0-30 Sir Walter Hungerford 170 a
3rd 26 September 1414 1414 19 November 1414 ... ... Thomas Chaucer 169
4th 12 August 1415 1415 4 November 1415 12 November 1415 0-0-9 Sir Richard Redman 168 b
5th 21 January 1416 1416 16 March 1416 May 1416 ... Sir Walter Beauchamp 167
6th 3 September 1416 1416 19 October 1416 18 November 1416 0-0-31 Roger Flower 166
7th 5 October 1417 1417 16 November 1417 17 December 1417 0-1-1 Roger Flower 165
8th 24 August 1419 1419 16 October 1419 13 November 1419 0-0-29 Roger Flower 164
9th 21 October 1420 1420 2 December 1420 ... ... Roger Hunt 163
10th 26 February 1421 1421 2 May 1421 ... ... Thomas Chaucer 162
11th 20 October 1421 1421 1 December 1421 ... ... Richard Baynard 161


Parliaments of King Henry VI

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 29 September 1422 1422 9 November 1422 18 December 1422 Roger Flower 160
2nd 1 September 1423 1423 20 October 1423 28 February 1424 Sir John Russell 159
3rd 24 February 1425 1425 30 April 1425 14 July 1425 Sir Thomas Walton 158
4th 7 January 1426 1426 18 February 1426 1 June 1426 Sir Richard Vernon 157 a
5th 15 July 1427 1427 13 October 1427 25 March 1428 Sir John Tyrrell 156
6th 12 July 1429 1429 22 September 1429 23 February 1430 William Alington 155
7th 27 November 1430 1430/31 12 January 1431 20 March 1431 Sir John Tyrrell 154
8th 25 February 1432 1432 12 May 1432 17 July 1432 Sir John Russell 153
9th 24 May 1433 1433 8 July 1433 >c.18 December 1433 Roger Hunt 152
10th 5 July 1435 1435 10 October 1435 23 December 1435 John Bowes 151
11th 29 October 1436 1436/37 21 January 1437 27 March 1437 Sir John Tyrrell 150
William Burley
12th 26 September 1439 1439 12 November 1439 c.15–24 February 1440 William Tresham 149
13th 3 December 1441 1441/42 25 January 1442 27 March 1442 William Tresham 148
14th 13 January 1445 1445 25 February 1445 9 April 1445 William Burley 147
15th 14 December 1446 1446/47 10 February 1447 3 March 1447 William Tresham 146
16th 2 January 1449 1449 12 February 1449 16 July 1449 Sir John Say 145
17th 23 September 1449 1449 6 November 1449 c.5–8 June 1450 Sir John Popham 144
William Tresham
18th 5 September 1450 1450 6 November 1450 c.24–31 May 1451 Sir Willian Oldhall 143
19th 20 January 1453 1453 6 March 1453 c.16–21 April 1454 Thomas Thorpe 142
Sir Thomas Charlton
20th 26 May 1455 1455 9 July 1455 12 March 1456 Sir John Wenlock 141
21st 9 October 1459 1459 20 November 1459 20 December 1459 Sir Thomas Tresham 140 b
22nd 30 July 1460 1460 7 October 1460 c.4 March 1461 John Green 139
23rd 15 October 1470 1470 26 November 1470 c. 11 April 1471 0-4-16 unknown 135 c


Parliaments of King Edward IV

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 23 May 1461 1461 4 November 1461 6 May 1462 0-6-2 James Strangeways 138 ...
2nd 22 December 1462 1462/63 29 April 1463 28 March 1465 1-10-28 John Say 137 ...
3rd 28 February 1467 1467 3 June 1467 7 June 1468 1-0-4 John Say 136 ...
4th 19 August 1472 1472 6 October 1472 14 March 1475 2-5-8 William Alington 134 ...
5th 20 November 1477 1477/78 16 January 1478 26 February 1478 0-1-10 William Alington 133 ...
6th 15 November 1482 1482/83 20 January 1483 18 February 1483 0-0-30 John Wood 132 ...

Parliament of King Richard III

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 9 December 1483 1483/84 23 January 1484 20 February 1484 0-0-29 William Catesby 131 ...

Parliaments of King Henry VII

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 15 September 1485 1485 7 November 1485 c. 4 March 1486 0-3-24 Thomas Lovell 130 ...
2nd ... 1487 9 November 1487 c. 18 December 1487 0-1-9 John Mordaunt 129 ...
3rd ...  ?1488/89 13 January 1489 27 February 1490 0-11-14 Thomas fitzWilliam 128 ...
4th 12 August 1491 1491 17 October 1491 5 March 1492 0-4-16 Richard Empson 127 ...
5th 15 September 1495 1495 14 October 1495 21–22 December 1495 0-2-7/8 Robert Drury 126 ...
6th 20 November 1496 1496/97 16 January 1497 13 March 1497 0-1-25 Thomas Englefield 125 ...
7th ...  ?1503/04 25 January 1504 c. 1 April 1504 0-2-7 Edmund Dudley 124 ...

Parliaments of King Henry VIII

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Presiding Officer¹ -Plt Note
1st 17 October 1509 1509/10 21 January 1510 23 February 1510 0-1-2 Thomas Englefield 123 ...
2nd 28 November 1511 1511/12 4 February 1512 4 March 1514 2-1-0 Robert Sheffield 122 ...
3rd 23 November 1514 1514/15 5 February 1515 22 December 1515 0-10-17 Thomas Neville 121 ...
4th ... 1523 15 April 1523 13 August 1523 0-3-29 Thomas More 120 ...
5th 9 August 1529 1529 3 November 1529 14 April 1536 6-5-11 Thomas Audley 119 a
Humphrey Wingfield
Richard Rich
6th 27 April 1536 1536 8 June 1536 18 July 1536 0-1-10 Richard Rich 118 ...
7th 1 March 1539 1539 28 April 1539 24 July 1540 1-2-26 Nicholas Hare 117 ...
8th 23 November 1541 1541/42 16 January 1542 28 March 1544 2-2-12 Thomas Moyle 116 ...
9th 1 December 1544 1544/45 23 November 1545 31 January 1547 1-2-8 Thomas Moyle 115 ...


Parliaments of King Edward VI

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 2 August 1547 1547 4 November 1547 15 April 1552 4-5-11 Sir John Baker 114 ...
2nd 5 January 1553 1553 1 March 1553 31 March 1553 0-1-0 James Dyer 113 ...

Parliaments of Queen Mary I

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 14 August 1553 1553 5 October 1553 5 December 1553 0-2-0 Sir John Pollard 112 ...
2nd 17 February 1554 1554 2 April 1554 3 May 1554 0-1-1 Robert Brooke 111 ...
3rd 3 October 1554 1554 12 November 1554 16 January 1555 0-2-4 Clement Higham 110 ...
4th 3 September 1555 1555 21 October 1555 9 December 1555 0-1-18 Sir John Pollard 109 ...
5th 6 December 1557 1557/58 20 January 1558 17 November 1558 0-10-28 William Cordell 108 ...

Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth I

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 5 December 1558 1558/59 23 January 1559 8 May 1559 0-3-15 Thomas Gargrave 107 ...
2nd 10 November 1562 1562/63 11 January 1563 2 January 1567 3-11-21 Thomas Williams 106 ...
Richard Onslow
3rd ... 1571 2 April 1571 29 May 1571 0-1-27 Christopher Wray 105 ...
4th 28 March 1572 1572 8 May 1572 19 April 1583 10-11-11 Robert Bell 104 ...
John Popham
5th 12 October 1584 1584 23 November 1584 14 September 1585 0-8-22 John Puckering 103 ...
6th 15 September 1586 1586 15 October 1586 23 March 1587 0-5-8 John Puckering 102 ...
7th 18 September 1588 1588/89 4 February 1589 29 March 1589 0-1-25 Thomas Snagge 101 ...
8th 4 January 1593 1593 18 February 1593 10 April 1593 0-1-22 Edward Coke 100 ...
9th 23 August 1597 1597 24 October 1597 9 February 1598 0-3-16 Christopher Yelverton 99 ...
10th 11 September 1601 1601 27 October 1601 19 December 1601 0-1-22 John Croke 98 ...

Parliaments of King James I

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 31 January 1604 1604 19 March 1604 9 February 1611 6-10-21 Edward Phelips 97 ...
2nd ...  ?1614 5 April 1614 7 June 1614 0-2-2 Randolph Crewe 96 Addled Parliament
3rd 13 November 1620 1620/21 16 January 1621 8 February 1622 1-0-23 Thomas Richardson 95 ...
4th 20 December 1623 1623/24 12 February 1624 27 March 1625 1-1-15 Thomas Crewe 94 Happy Parliament

Parliaments of King Charles I

The Long Parliament, which commenced in this reign, had the longest term and the most complex history of any English Parliament. The entry in the first table below relates to the whole Parliament. Although it rebelled against King Charles I and continued to exist long after the King's death, it was a Parliament he originally summoned. An attempt has been made to set out the different phases of the Parliament in the second table in this section and in subsequent sections. The phases are indicated by a letter in the -Plt column (in the case of these phases they all share the same -Plt number, which is used in the first table of this section, so the column is available to set out the letter for the phases moving forward from 1640) and are explained in a note.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 2 April 1625 1625 17 May 1625 12 August 1625 0-2-26 Thomas Crewe 93 Useless Parliament
2nd 20 December 1625 1626 6 February 1626 15 June 1626 0-4-9 Heneage Finch 92 ...
3rd 31 January 1628 1628 17 March 1628 10 March 1629 0-11-21 John Finch 91 ...
4th 20 February 1640 1640 13 April 1640 5 May 1640 0-0-22 John Glanville 90 Short Parliament
5th 24 September 1640 1640 3 November 1640 16 March 1660 19-5-13 William Lenthall 89 Long Parliament (a)
Henry Pelham
William Lenthall
William Say (Deputy)
William Lenthall


The Long Parliament (Royalist phases)

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
5th 24 September 1640 1640 3 November 1640 21 August 1642 ... William Lenthall a Long Parliament
5th ... ... 22 January 1644 10 March 1645 ... unknown c King's Oxford Parliament


Parliaments of the Revolution and Commonwealth

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st ... ... 22 August 1642 5 December 1648 ... William Lenthall b Long Parliament (a)
Henry Pelham
William Lenthall
1st ... ... 6 December 1648 20 April 1653 ... William Lenthall d Rump Parliament (b)
2nd 20 June 1653 n/a 4 July 1653 12 December 1653 0-5-08 Francis Rous 88 Barebones Parliament (c)


Parliaments of the Protectorate

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st 1 June 1654 1654 3 September 1654 22 January 1655 0-4-19 William Lenthall 87 First Prot. Plt
2nd 10 July 1656 1656 17 September 1656 4 February 1658 1-4-18 Thomas Widdrington 86 Second Prot. Plt
Bulstrode Whitelocke
3rd 9 December 1658 1658/59 27 January 1659 22 April 1659 0-2-26 Chaloner Chute 85 Third Prot. Plt
Lislebone Long (Deputy)
Thomas Bampfylde

These parliaments included representatives of Scotland and Ireland.

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
4th ... ... 7 May 1659 13 October 1659 ... William Lenthall e Rump Plt (restored) (a)


Parliaments of the Commonwealth

No. Summoned Elected Assembled Dissolved Duration Speaker -Plt Note
1st ... ... 26 December 1659 20 February 1660 ... William Lenthall f Rump Parliament (a)
William Say (Deputy)
William Lenthall
1st ... ... 21 February 1660 16 March 1660 ... William Lenthall g Long Parliament (b)
2nd 16 March 1660 1660 25 April 1660 29 December 1660 0-8-4 Harbottle Grimston 84 Convention Parliament (c)


List of Parliaments: 1660 back to 1364

Preliminary note: The English civil year started on 25 March until 1752 (Scotland having changed to 1 January in 1600). The years used in this article have been converted to the new style where necessary. It should be noted that old style dates would be a year earlier than the new style for days between 1 January and 24 March. No attempt has been made to compensate for the eleven days which did not occur in September 1752 in both England and Scotland, when the day after 2 September was 14 September), so as to bring the dating in Great Britain and its associated territories fully into line with the Gregorian calendar.

Parliaments 1504-1660

No NP Summoned Opened Dismissed Duration Notes
84 CP/6 16 March 1660 25 April 1660 29 December 1660 0-8-4 a,b
89d CP/5b ... 21 February 1660 16 March 1660 (0-0-24) c
89c CP/5a ... 7 May 1659 20 February 1660 (0-9-13) d
85 CP/4 9 December 1658 27 January 1659 22 April 1659 0-2-26 e
86 CP/3 10 July 1656 17 September 1656 4 February 1658 1-4-18 f
87 CP/2 1 June 1654 3 September 1654 22 January 1655 0-4-19 g
88 CP/1 20 June 1653 4 July 1653 12 December 1653 0-5-08 h
89b KC1/5b ... 22 January 1644 8 October 1644 (0-8-16) i,j
89a KC1/5a 24 September 1640 3 November 1640 20 April 1653 (12-5-17) k
90 KC1/4 20 February 1640 13 April 1640 5 May 1640 0-0-22 ...
91 KC1/3 31 January 1628 17 March 1628 10 March 1629 0-11-21 ...
92 KC1/2 20 December 1625 6 February 1626 15 June 1626 0-4-9 ...
93 KC1/1 2 April 1625 17 May 1625 12 August 1625 0-2-26 ...
94 KJ1/4 20 December 1623 12 February 1624 27 March 1625 1-1-15 l
95 KJ1/3 13 November 1620 16 January 1621 8 February 1622 1-0-23 ...
96 KJ1/2 ... 5 April 1614 7 June 1614 0-2-2 ...
97 KJ1/1 31 January 1604 19 March 1604 9 February 1611 6-10-21 ...
98 QE1/10 11 September 1601 27 October 1601 19 December 1601 0-1-22 m
99 QE1/9 23 August 1597 24 October 1597 9 February 1598 0-3-16 ...
100 QE1/8 4 January 1593 18 February 1593 10 April 1593 0-1-22 ...
101 QE1/7 18 September 1588 4 February 1589 29 March 1589 0-1-25 ...
102 QE1/6 15 September 1586 15 October 1586 23 March 1587 0-5-8 ...
103 QE1/5 12 October 1584 23 November 1584 14 September 1585 0-8-22 ...
104 QE1/4 28 March 1572 8 May 1572 19 April 1583 10-11-11 ...
105 QE1/3 ... 2 April 1571 29 May 1571 0-1-27 ...
106 QE1/2 10 November 1562 11 January 1563 2 January 1567 3-11-21 ...
107 QE1/1 5 December 1558 23 January 1559 8 May 1559 0-3-15 ...
108 QM1/5 6 December 1557 20 January 1558 17 November 1558 0-10-28 n
109 QM1/4 3 September 1555 21 October 1555 9 December 1555 0-1-18 ...
110 QM1/3 3 October 1554 12 November 1554 16 January 1555 0-2-4 ...
111 QM1/2 17 February 1554 2 April 1554 3 May 1554 0-1-1 ...
112 QM1/1 14 August 1553 5 October 1553 5 December 1553 0-2-0 ...
113 KE6/2 5 January 1553 1 March 1553 31 March 1553 0-1-0 o
114 KE6/1 2 August 1547 4 November 1547 15 April 1552 4-5-11 ...
115 KH8/9 1 December 1544 23 November 1545 31 January 1547 1-2-8 p
116 KH8/8 23 November 1541 16 January 1542 28 March 1544 2-2-12 ...
117 KH8/7 1 March 1539 28 April 1539 24 July 1540 1-2-26 ...
118 KH8/6 27 April 1536 8 June 1536 18 July 1536 0-1-10 ...
119 KH8/5 9 August 1529 3 November 1529 14 April 1536 6-5-11 ...
120 KH8/4 ... 15 April 1523 13 August 1523 0-3-29 ...
121 KH8/3 23 November 1514 5 February 1515 22 December 1515 0-10-17 ...
122 KH8/2 28 November 1511 4 February 1512 4 March 1514 2-1-0 ...
123 KH8/1 17 October 1509 21 January 1510 23 February 1510 0-1-2 ...
124 KH7/7 ... 25 January 1504 c. 1 April 1504 0-2-7 q

Notes: -

Parliaments 1400-1497

No NP Summoned Opened Dismissed Duration Notes
125 KH7/6 20 November 1496 16 January 1497 13 March 1497 0-1-25 ...
126 KH7/5 15 September 1495 14 October 1495 21–22 December 1495 0-2-7/8 ...
127 KH7/4 12 August 1491 17 October 1491 5 March 1492 0-4-16 ...
128 KH7/3 ... 13 January 1489 27 February 1490 0-11-14 ...
129 KH7/2 ... 9 November 1487 c. 18 December 1487 0-1-9 ...
130 KH7/1 15 September 1485 7 November 1485 c. 4 March 1486 0-3-24 ...
131 KR3/1 9 December 1483 23 January 1484 20 February 1484 0-0-29 a
132 KE4/6 15 November 1482 20 January 1483 18 February 1483 0-0-30 b
133 KE4/5 20 November 1477 16 January 1478 26 February 1478 0-1-10 ...
134 KE4/4 19 August 1472 6 October 1472 14 March 1475 2-5-8 c
135 KH6/23 15 October 1470 26 November 1470 c. 11 April 1471 0-4-16 d
136 KE4/3 28 February 1467 3 June 1467 7 June 1468 1-0-4 ...
137 KE4/2 22 December 1462 29 April 1463 28 March 1465 1-10-28 ...
138 KE4/1 23 May 1461 4 November 1462 6 May 1462 0-6-2 ...
139 KH6/22 30 July 1460 7 October 1460 c. 4 March 1461 0-4-26 e
140 KH6/21 9 October 1459 20 November 1459 20 December 1459 0-1-0 ...
141 KH6/20 26 May 1455 9 July 1455 12 March 1456 0-8-3 ...
142 KH6/19 20 January 1453 6 March 1453 c. 16–21 April 1454 1-1-10/15 ...
143 KH6/18 5 September 1450 6 November 1450 c. 24–31 May 1451 0-6-18/25 ...
144 KH6/17 23 September 1449 6 November 1449 c. 5–8 June 1450 0-6/7-30/2 ...
145 KH6/16 2 January 1449 12 February 1449 16 July 1449 0-5-4 ...
146 KH6/15 14 December 1446 10 February 1447 3 March 1447 0-0-22 ...
147 KH6/14 13 January 1445 25 February 1445 9 April 1445 0-1-15 ...
148 KH6/13 3 December 1441 25 January 1442 27 March 1442 0-2-2 ...
149 KH6/12 26 September 1439 12 November 1439 c. 15–24 February 1440 0-3-3/12 ...
150 KH6/11 29 October 1436 21 January 1437 27 March 1437 0-2-6 ...
151 KH6/10 5 July 1435 10 October 1435 23 December 1435 0-2-13 f
152 KH6/9 24 May 1433 8 July 1433 pc. 18 December 1433 0-5-10 g
153 KH6/8 25 February 1432 12 May 1432 17 July 1432 0-2-5 ...
154 KH6/7 27 November 1430 12 January 1431 20 March 1431 0-2-8 f
155 KH6/6 12 July 1429 22 September 1429 23 February 1430 0-5-1 ...
156 KH6/5 15 July 1427 13 October 1427 25 March 1428 0-5-12 ...
157 KH6/4 7 January 1426 18 February 1426 1 June 1426 0-3-14 ...
158 KH6/3 24 February 1425 30 April 1425 14 July 1425 0-2-14 ...
159 KH6/2 1 September 1423 20 October 1423 28 February 1424 0-4-8 ...
160 KH6/1 29 September 1422 9 November 1422 18 December 1422 0-1-9 ...
161 KH5/11 20 October 1421 1 December 1421 ... ... h
162 KH5/10 26 February 1421 2 May 1421 ... ... ...
163 KH5/9 21 October 1420 2 December 1420 ... ... ...
164 KH5/8 24 August 1419 16 October 1419 13 November 1419 0-0-29 f
165 KH5/7 5 October 1417 16 November 1417 17 December 1417 0-1-1 f
166 KH5/6 3 September 1416 19 October 1416 18 November 1416 0-0-31 ...
167 KH5/5 21 January 1416 16 March 1416 May 1416 ... ...
168 KH5/4 12 August 1415 4 November 1415 12 November 1415 0-0-9 f
169 KH5/3 26 September 1414 19 November 1414 ... ... ...
170 KH5/2 1 December 1413 30 April 1414 29 May 1414 0-0-30 ...
171 KH5/1 22 March 1413 14 May 1413 9 June 1413 0-0-27 ...
172 KH4/10 1 December 1412 3 February 1413 20 March 1413 0-1-17 i
173 KH4/9 21 September 1411 3 November 1411 19 December 1411 0-1-16 ...
174 KH4/8 26 October 1409 27 January 1410 9 May 1410 0-3-12 ...
175 KH4/7 26 August 1407 20 October 1407 2 December 1407 0-1-12 ...
176 KH4/6 21 December 1405 1 March 1406 22 December 1406 0-9-21 ...
177 KH4/5 25 August 1404 6 October 1404 13 November 1404 0-1-7 j
178 KH4/4 20 October 1403 14 January 1404 20 March 1404 0-2-6 j
179 KH4/3 19 June 1402 30 September 1402 25 November 1402 0-1-26 ...
180 KH4/2 9 September 1400 20 January 1401 10 March 1401 0-1-18 ...


Parliaments to 1399

No NP Summoned Opened Dismissed Duration Notes
181 KH4/1 30 September 1399 6 October 1399 19 November 1399 0-1-13 a,b
182 KR2/25 19 August 1399 30 September 1399 30 September 1399 0-0-1 c,d
183 KR2/24 18 July 1397 17 September 1397 31 January 1398 0-4-14 ...
184 KR2/23 30 November 1396 22 January 1397 12 February 1397 0-0-22 a
185 KR2/22 20 November 1394 27 January 1395 15 February 1395 0-0-20 a
186 KR2/21 13 November 1393 27 January 1394 6 March 1394 0-1-7 ...
187 KR2/20 23 November 1392 20 January 1393 10 February 1393 0-0-22 ...
188 KR2/19 7 September 1391 3 November 1391 2 December 1391 0-0-30 ...
189 KR2/18 12 September 1390 12 November 1390 3 December 1390 0-0-22 ...
190 KR2/17 6 December 1389 17 January 1390 2 March 1390 0-1-13 ...
191 KR2/16 28 July 1388 9 September 1388 17 October 1388 0-1-8 a
192 KR2/15 17 December 1387 3 February 1388 4 June 1388 0-4-1 ...
193 KR2/14 8 August 1386 1 October 1386 28 November 1386 0-1-27 ...
194 KR2/13 3 September 1385 20 October 1385 6 December 1385 0-1-16 a
195 KR2/12 28 September 1384 12 November 1384 14 December 1384 0-1-2 a
196 KR2/11 3 March 1384 29 April 1384 27 May 1384 0-0-29 a
197 KR2/10 20 August 1383 26 October 1383 26 November 1383 0-1-0 a
198 KR2/9 7 January 1383 23 February 1383 10 March 1383 0-0-16 a
199 KR2/8 9 August 1382 6 October 1382 24 October 1382 0-0-19 a
200 KR2/7 24 March 1382 7 May 1382 22 May 1382 0-0-16 a
201 KR2/6 16 July 1381 3 November 1381 25 February 1382 0-3-22 ...
202 KR2/5 26 August 1380 5 November 1380 6 December 1380 0-1-1 ...
203 KR2/4 20 October 1379 16 January 1380 3 March 1380 0-1-16 a
204 KR2/3 16 February 1379 24 April 1379 27 May 1379 0-1-3 ...
205 KR2/2 3 September 1378 20 October 1378 16 November 1378 0-0-28 a
206 KR2/1 4 August 1377 13 October 1377 5 December 1377 0-1-23 a
207 KE3/47 1 December 1376 27 January 1377 2 March 1377 0-1-3 a,e,f
208 KE3/46 28 December 1375 28 April 1376 10 July 1376 0-2-13 g
209 KE3/45 4 October 1373 21 November 1373 10 December 1373 0-0-20 a
210 KE3/44 1 September 1372 3 November 1372 24 November 1372 0-0-21 a
211 KE3/43 8 January 1371 24 February 1371 29 March 1371 0-1-5 a
212 KE3/42 6 April 1369 3 June 1369 11 June 1369 0-0-9 a
213 KE3/41 24 February 1368 1 May 1368 21 May 1368 0-0-21 ...
214 KE3/40 20 January 1366 4 May 1366 11 May 1366 0-0-8 ...
215 KE3/39 4 December 1364 20 January 1365 17 February 1365 0-0-28 ...


See also
